Meditation techniques give peace and calmness in a spiritual way. It enlightens the human life. meditation techniques nurtures and transforms the qualities of an individual by relieving him from anxiety of day-to-day life. Meditation method changes the negative thoughts into positive and it is carried out just by focusing within a one&rsquos self and not outside.
Here are some well-liked forms of Meditation Strategies &ndash
Concentrative Meditation Method is performed by focusing the attention on an image, a sound (mantra chanting) or on the breath. Concentrative Meditation method stills the mind and results in a far better clarity and awareness. Concentrative meditation method can be carried out basically by focusing on the breath it is a fairly simple step. It is believed that there is a direct connection among the state of mind and the breath. When an individual gets agitated, frightened, and anxious or distracted, the breath shallows. But, when the mind is focused and calm, then the breath is deep, standard and slow. If an individual focuses on the rhythm of the procedure of breath intake and out, it gives an object for meditation. When the breath is focused, the mind gets absorbed in the procedure of breath intake and out. In result, the breathing becomes deep and slow. It makes the mind additional alert.
Zen Meditation &ndash Zen Meditation method is performed by focusing the attention on the feelings and sensations, sounds, thoughts, pictures and so forth with out thinking about these elements. When meditating, there should be no thinking about the worries, pictures, thoughts, and memories. Zen meditation method results in a far better state of mind that is clear, calm and non-reactive. Zen meditation method is carried out by observing sensations and breathes non-judgmentally and fairly keenly. Zen meditation method gradually takes an individual to emptiness & stillness, but it takes some time to master this method. Zen Meditation method is the easiest and most effective method.
Japa Meditation &ndash Japa Meditation method is mainly performed for easing the tensed and stressed life. Japa Meditation results in a peaceful and calm life. Also it evokes the happiness from within an individual's self. Japa meditation method involves the God&rsquos name. The mantra chanting can be carried out softly or an individual may perhaps chant the mantra loudly. When sitting in a posture of meditation, the Japa meditation method can be carried out in addition ot the worship in group or any other peaceful sitting activities.
Mainly, the Japa Meditation method is performed counting a bead string that is recognized as Japa Mala. The Vaishnava devotees largely chant by using a bead string that is produced of Holy Basil (Tulsi). There are 108 beads in a Japa Mala. People today also wear the Japa Beads around the neck though some wear them on their wrists.
Chakra Meditation - There are power focal points in our body that are use by us in a conscious or unconscious state if mind. These power focal points are referred to as Chakras. The focal points are located in the body parts like head or heart. In the Chaka meditation method, the various postures are utilized in order to open the Chakras. The hands are placed in a specific position and the body is relaxed, the eyes are closed the charka is asked to open. Then it is visualized in the mind that the chakra color emanates and the size of the charka becomes bigger. As the color becomes brighter, the color&rsquos warmth is easily felt also the charka emotions are felt. The body organs are felt filled with light and power.
Bhuta Shuddi is a form of Chakra Meditation of Yoga and Tantra practice through which the 5 elements (bhutas) are balanced or purified (shuddhi). Bhuta refers to the past, and shuddhi refers to purifying that past, or the samskaras that operate in conjunction with the 5 elements. This is a fairly useful practice, whether you think of it as preparation for kundalini awakening, or basically as a practice for feeling balanced, centered, or tranquil, etc. (1 of the two foundations of Yoga is Abhyasa, practices searching for of tranquility Yoga Sutras 1.12-1.14).
For the Chakra Meditation of Bhuta Shuddhi, it is necessary to fully grasp how the 5 elements relate to the chakras. The 5 bhutas are the 5 elements of earth, water, fire, air, and space, and they operate in conjunction with the lower 5 chakras (at subtle level they are referred to as tanmatras, which are component of tattvas, or subtle constituents). The sixth chakra is of mind, and is beyond or prior to the bursting forth of space, air, fire, water, and finally earth. Consciousness itself (or whatever you want to call it) is prior to, or the source of manifestation of mind, and is the seventh chakra (surely there are other chakras, including among sixth and seventh, but the bhuta shuddhi practice itself want not focus directly on these).
Transcendental Meditation or yoga nidra (popularized by the Bihar School of Yoga), which owe its origin to ancient Hindu meditative techniques, aim towards a completely detached frame of mind. These forms encourage the practitioner to retreat within the inner-self, into the "real" world, away from the "illusions" (maya) of outside influences. Meditative practices like Mantra yoga, for example, induces the mind to concentrate on a sacred sound by ritualistic chanting, until it attains the trance-like state of samadhi (a state of mind, exactly where it is only responsive to subjective impressions).
Healing Meditation &ndash Healing meditation is practiced just after sitting comfortably. It is a belief that the body is filling with light slowly, starting from the feet and then slowly moving upwards. As the light moves up the body, the light is felt like is relaxing the muscles and also the mind. I really feel the light moving upwards until my whole body is filled with light and every muscle of my body is feeling relaxed.
Healing meditation calms the mind and gives it a balance state. Healing meditation increases the self esteem and confidence in a individual. Healing meditation boost the memory and concentration of the mind. It reduces the tension speedily. It improves the attitude, mood and outlook on life. Healing meditation increases an individual&rsquos problem solving ability.
It is felt like the body of light is radiating the light out from the eyes, the light is shining like a torch is shinning out directly from the eyes. Really feel that the soul is directing the light towards the body component that causes discomfort and discomfort, it represents as a shadow on the body. Envision like the painful body areas have dark shadows around them. Now really feel like you are attracting a healing light to the painful body area, so that the darkness is vanished.
You can really feel that this healing light is returning you to wellness and vitality
Alex Simring
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